Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Statement of Intention

Hello and welcome to my blog, In Deep Focus. This post is simply an outline of what I'd like to do here; substantial content will come soon, I promise. For me this blog is largely a personal creative exercise, in which I hope to exercise my skills in writing while engaging with the art form I hold in the highest esteem: film. With this blog I hope to be entertaining and insightful, and perhaps encourage readers to seek out films that would not normally fall on their radar, or to see films they have already seen from a different perspective.

So, that was my general statement of purpose. Here follows a series of introductory thoughts that would not constitute there own post:

What to Expect Here

There is no specific kind of content I aim to provide here, but some examples of what I hope to have in store would be film reviews, think pieces on certain films or certain aspects of certain films, brief lists of films I recommend that fit a certain theme or context. What you should not expect is the brief, rapid content that one often sees on the web at large. I also will largely avoid engaging in any kind of news or current events about movies. Furthermore, I welcome suggestions on post ideas, although honestly I will likely not take them.


I do not have any sort of degree in filmmaking and all of my knowledge on the subject is based on personal research and film consumption. I make no claims of any qualifications to discuss film beyond being a fan of the art and a thinking person.

Why I Love Film

What endears film to me more than any art form is its nature as an incredibly collaborative art. Film itself is not a singular art form but rather the sum total of multiple art forms. Cinematography, editing, sound mixing, film directing, film acting, etc., are all their own art and yet they rely on one another for existence. I find the necessarily pluralistic nature of film incredibly appealing, as we can see how the fusion of multiple creativities can produce great works. Certainly I enjoy them for a myriad or reasons, which I could blather on about all day, but this speaks to one of the main reasons it fascinates me so.

Some Links of Interest The site where I get all my movie news. Largely engaging journalism, populist lean as far as film news covered, and honest and balanced reviews. My all-time favorite YouTube channel. Wonderful video-essays on film arts. Extremely informative, and a manageable amount of content. Please subscribe! Also an excellent YouTube channel. Specifically recommend the playlist "Understanding Art," and any videos therein involving films. Recommend the channel overall as well. Absolutely do not recommend subscribing because of WAY too much content, but often a fun place to kill some time on YouTube.

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